Oita Gay Cruise Clubs

    Oita Gay Cruise Clubs

    Culture Veil
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    1/F, 3-5-23 Chuo-cho, Oita, Japan

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    Audience Rating

    Based on 8 votes

    Culture Veil カルチャーベール is a cruise club "hatten" for men in Oita. Restricted age, up to 45 years old.

    Weekday: 5pm - 1am

    Weekend: 5pm - 9am Saturday. 3pm - 1am Sunday

    Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023

    Kiraku Kaikan - Oita
    Location Icon

    1 Kanaikemachi, Oita, Japan

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    Audience Rating

    Based on 9 votes

    Oita's branch of the Kiraku Kaikan gay cruise club for men. Admission ¥2700 yen. JR Oita Station

    Weekday: 6pm - 10am

    Weekend: 3pm - 10am

    Last updated on: 7-Sep-2024

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